Saint Padre Pio Oil
The custom of blessing oil in honor of a Saint or Blessed has a long history in the devotional life of the Church.
Often times, pilgrims would go visit and pray at the tombs of the Martyrs to seek spiritual help. At the Martyrs tomb there would be oil lamps' burning to light and bear witness to the Saints' life.
For those who could not go visit, often times pilgrims would take home with them some of the oil from the tomb, to bring home to use in blessing for their family and friends who were too ill to make the trip themselves.
Healing occurred through the act of faith in which the application of the oil envoked.
It is with this custom that we bless oil in honor of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina.
The oil is to help us implore Gods' loving tender mercy for the sick, and to affirm our faith in the Communion of the Saints.
Saint Padre Pio Oil is available at the St. Padre pio Shrine at 212-564-9070, ext. 280.
To help defray the cost of materials, a $10.00 donation per bottle is suggested plus shipping and handling. Please add $13.00 for US Priority Mail in Continental United States and handling. Please only 2 bottles per person and NOT FOR RESALE.

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